Sunday, May 11, 2008

#s, #s, #s

Of people. I wrote a post about human overpopulation a few months ago. All of our efforts to "go green" will miss the mark unless we become willing to talk about putting a halt on population growth, which is really at the heart of the world’s most serious and pervasive problems. I’ll copy and paste here a portion of an e-mail response I sent to a friend of mine recently (he’d sent me a website URL about overpopulation).

"Yes, the burgeoning human (over)population is at the core of almost every problem the world is dealing with. I count the exponential growth of US population as a big part of it, as we are big "users"/consumers. Recently I put up a blog post that talks about population and how no politician is willing to mention or even acknowledge the population factor. Without humane human population control (war being a popular but inhumane method of population control), recycling can never be enough. Al Gore mentioned the factor of population growth in his book "An Inconvenient Truth", for which I give him a lot of credit (although the topic needs a book of its own)...the author, though, would need to be very brave and probably would be majorly criticized and could even be imprisoned or assassinated".

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